Tuesday, January 29

Presents, AHOY

My federal tax return just came in and though I hate GBush, I followed his advice and promptly spent it. Go the economy.
I got from bluefly.com:
A Hype Purse
and Tori Burch flats

from Shopbop.com
a WAYF dress
and Dolce Vita shoes

from Anthropologie.com
Low spy booties
and a cute top

When my state tax return comes, it is time for that raincoat (see below) and frye heels. I'm way into shoes right now. I'm excited, but also feel kinda trashy. I'm waiting for the day when I'm not so excited about $500 that I have to spend it immediately.

1 comment:

mirspace said...

I think I have too many and not enough shoes at the same time. It's possile.